Tea Production Process

From the tea garden to blowing off fragrant steam from your favorite mug, 
our teas undergo sophisticated processes to guarantee the best flavor.

 1.     Solar Oxidation

Natural sunlight expedites moisture evaporation and catalyzes fermentation
by causing oxidation of the tea leaves.


2.     Indoor Oxidation and Shaking

We spread the tea leaves on a bamboo tray and shake them evenly to remove residual moisture. 
This process is determinant of the aroma and flavor of the teas.


3.     Tumble-heating

Heat reduces enzyme activity and halts fermentation, consolidating the flavor.

4.     Primary Rolling

Rolling helps preserve the tea's essence and reduces its volume, 
making packaging and transportation easier.


5.     Primary Drying

Drying the tea leaves prevent them from getting sticky and brittle.


6.     Heating and Rolling

The process gets the teas curled together, creating the familiar appearance of tea you see nowadays.
It also enhances the aroma and flavor of the teas.

7.     Advanced Drying

Applying heat during the drying process will completely stop the enzyme activity of the teas,
stabilizing their qualities. 

8.     Stem Removal

Removing stems to increase the value and quality of the teas.

9.     Final Drying and Roasting

This final roasting stage is the source of the baked flavor found in Oolong teas.


10.     Packaging

Finally, the tea leaves are ready for packaging and to be sold on the market.





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